FREE RESOURCE to download:
Complete set of Cropped “Wolfinger” Philadelphia Directory Listings – Individually cropped for each year (1860-1922) of all available published City Directories for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Why use cropped directory listings?
- Easily and quickly browse year-to-year
- Don’t miss a year because of poor Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or out-of-order search results on a directory search
- Text City Directory searches on genealogy and archives sites often miss individual names due to poor Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or poor indexing
- Quickly and easily find differences like change of address, a new name, a missing or removed name, change of occupation, appearance of a “widow” (and estimate a year of death), etc.
- No “noise” – other names on the pages have been cropped out
- Have a complete set on your computer or other device – no subscriptions, fees, logins, or searching
Where does this set come from?
This is recycled research – a set of records from my personal research – freely repackaged for anyone to use for their own. I am working on several sets of directory clippings for my own research, so I will share them as I complete each set.
Each set will be made freely available, so people don’t need to reinvent the wheel in creating research data sets I’ve already made. Directory clipping sets I’m currently working on include the following names:
🔵 Gordan/Gordon
🔵 Murphy
🔵 Colgan/McColgan / Colligan/McColligan
🔵 McCollough / McCullough
🔵 Law / Low / Lowe / Leow
🔵 Pidgeon / Pigeon
🔵 McKegney
Download Links
- Google Drive – All Files (1860-1922) (view individual images in a Google Drive folder)
- Download .ZIP File – Complete Set of All Files (Direct from Google Drive as a .ZIP file)
👆 You can right-click on this link and select “Save link as…” / “Save file as…” (or equivalent)
If you have any questions, or would like some pointers, feel free to get in touch with me.
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